Professional Consultants
Water, soil and air pollution, permitting and more. Our services are varied, but they all come with the same promise of quality, dedication, and timeliness. Licensed and experienced, we're a family owned engineering consulting firm with knowledge passed down from generations. We are quick, nimble and offer a personalized experience for our clients.
All estimates are free and flexible according to client needs and scheduling.

Industries Served
Environmental Management
Our priority is to maintain a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for the future generations. Our specialties in environmental management include the following:
Environmental compliance
Environmental permitting
Heavy Metals
We work with the heavy metals industry to create a customized plan based on the site’s needs and any issues that arise during the initial investigation period.
Banking and Lending
We routinely advise banking and lending institutions on environmental practices. We have extensive experience in providing third-party environmental reviews of institutions’ assets. This entails working with the banking or lending officer to clearly interpret potential risks, after which we explore and recommend cost-effective solutions.
Food and Kindred Products
We provide innovative and functional problem analyses to support sustainable development and production in the food and kindred products industry.
We offer one-on-one attention from skilled engineering professionals who tailor the service to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our technical expertise, industry knowledge, and business acumen allow us to evaluate clients’ problems from multiple perspectives and formulate an individualized, cost effective plan of action.
Environmental Consultants
about us
We specialize in providing solutions to federal and state environmental compliance issues and in-house concerns. We serve our clients by ensuring they meet the demands set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the state agency, and the local governing authorities.
Surface Water
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting
- State Indirect Discharge (POTW) Permitting
- Construction Storm Water Permitting
- Storm Water Management
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Compliance
- Recurring Site Inspections
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
- Underground Storage Tank Closure (Cap-A and Cap-B)
- Delineation
- Monitoring
- Modeling
Solid Waste Management
- Management
- Disposal and Permitting
- Identification
- Treatment
- Storage
- CERCLA/Superfund Analysis
- Brownfield Analysis
- Biennial Reporting
- Reduction Plans
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Analysis and Form R Reporting
- EPCRA 313 Reporting
Site Assessment and Remediation
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
- Phase III Site Remediation
Environmental Compliance
- Process Safety Management (PSM) Plans
- Risk Management Plans (RMP)
- Landfill Permitting
- Soil Remediation
- HSRA Evaluations
- Source Water Assessment Plans
Oil pollution
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
- Non-Destructive Tank Integrity Testing Analysis
Air Pollution
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Compliance Monitoring
- National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollution (NESHAP) Compliance Monitoring
- Title V Permitting
- Particulate Matter Analysis
- Emissions Calculations
- Blower Performance Testing
- Mining Permitting
- 3-Dimensional Dynamic Modeling
- Flocculation Pond Lifetime Analysis